Ham and Cheddar Cheese Ball Recipe

You must try the Ham and Cheddar Cheese Ball to serve guests good food. We give you an easy and quick Ham and Cheddar Cheese Ball Recipe for tasty food. Make delicious Ham and Cheddar Cheese Balls for a Party or any function in your home. It is the perfect food for an event or festival. It is an easy recipe that combines the savory flavors of ham and cheddar cheese with creamy cream cheese. It creates a flavorful and irresistible cheese ball.

As for the appetizers, a dish that always stands out with its taste is a ham and cheddar cheese ball. Hamm tastes smoky, while cheese provides the food with its saltiness. The cream cheese offers a smooth and creamy texture, making it excellent to use as a spread on bread, crackers, or maybe pita chips. It is suitable for any occasion, like a holiday party, a night spent playing games, or anything else, because the ham and cheddar cheese ball will be hard to top.

Ham and Cheddar Cheese Ball Recipe


To make this delicious ham and cheddar cheese ball, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 8 ounces cream cheese, softened
  • 1 cup shredded cheddar cheese
  • 1 cup diced deli ham
  • Two green onions, finely chopped
  • 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon onion powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
  • 1/4 cup chopped pecans (optional)

Preparation Time

The preparation time for this ham and cheddar cheese ball is approximately 15 minutes.


Follow these simple steps to create the perfect ham and cheddar cheese ball:

Step 1: Gather the Ingredients

First and foremost, make sure you have all of the necessary ingredients. Remove the cream cheese, shredded cheddar cheese, deli ham diced, green onions, garlic powder, onion powder, Worcestershire sauce, and chopped pecans if you want to use them from the fridge and allow them to reach room temperature.

Ham and Cheddar Cheese Ball Recipe Gather the Ingredients

Step 2: Prepare the Ham

Dice the deli ham into small pieces and chop it finely so it is evenly distributed during the cheese ball mingling.

Step 3: Mix the Ingredients

Combine your softened cream cheese, shredded cheddar cheese, diced deli ham, finely chopped green onions, garlic powder, onion powder, and Worcestershire sauce in a mixing bowl. Spread everything out in the mixing bowl with a spatula or your hands until well incorporated. Once thoroughly mixed, form the cheese mixture into a ball.

Ham and Cheddar Cheese Ball Recipe Mix the Ingredients

Step 4: Shape the Cheese Ball

Optionally, roll your ham and cheddar cheese ball in the chopped pecans to give it an extra crunch and a taste of a nut. The pecans offer an excellent flavor and texture that contrasts with the creamy cheese ball. To a serving platter or a serving plate, place the ham and cheddar cheese ball.

Step 5: Chill and Serve

Cover with plastic wrap and place in the refrigerator for at least an hour to mingle flavors and harden the cheese ball. When ready to serve, remove from the refrigerator and unwrap. Remove the cheese ball from the plastic wrap and place it on the serving tray.

Arrange surrounding the ham and cheddar cheese ball with crackers, slices of bread, pita chips, or any other to be served with.

Ham and Cheddar Cheese Ball Recipe Chill and Serve

Variations and Tips

  • Bacon: For a smokier flavor, you should consider adding some cooked and crumbled bacon to the mixture before forming the cheese ball. That would also give your cheeseball some crunchy texture.
  • Onion. For an intense onion taste, you can opt for red onion or even shallots. Finely chop it and incorporate it into the mixture.
  • You can make this ham and cheddar cheese ball in advance. To store it, wrap it with plastic wrap and refrigerate it for 2-3 days. Finally, coat the ball with the pecans just before serving it. Therefore, the storage capability makes it the most utilized snack in gatherings.
  • To make it feel all yours, you can come up with more suitable ingredients that best satisfy your taste. Such as changing the type of nuts or even using crispy fried onions. Add some heat. If you prefer your snack to have some heat, consider including some hot cayenne pepper or hot sauce.
  • Also, for a more fabulous look, cover the cheese ball with green onions, diced tomatoes, or possibly paprika.

Serving Suggestions

The ham and cheddar cheese ball is a versatile appetizer with various accompaniments. Here are a few serving suggestions:

  • Crackers: Serve the cheese ball with various crackers, such as butter crackers, wheat crackers, or even flavored crackers like rosemary or sesame.
  • Bread: Slice a baguette or other crusty bread and serve it alongside the cheese ball. You can toast or grill the bread for added flavor and crunch.
  • Pita Chips: Provide a bowl of pita chips for a Middle Eastern twist. The crunchy pita chips complement the creamy cheese ball beautifully.
  • Vegetable Sticks: Offer an array of fresh vegetable sticks like carrots, celery, bell peppers, and cucumbers for a healthier option. The crisp vegetables provide a refreshing contrast to the rich cheese ball.
  • Pretzels: The salty and crunchy texture of pretzels pairs exceptionally well with the creamy cheese ball. Choose mini pretzels or pretzel sticks for easy dipping.

Make-Ahead Option

If you want to prepare the ham and cheddar cheese ball in advance, you can follow these steps:

  1. Shape the cheese ball and roll it in the desired coating (e.g., pecans).
  2. Wrap the cheese ball tightly in plastic wrap, ensuring it is completely covered.
  3. Place the wrapped cheese ball in an airtight container or a resealable plastic bag.
  4. Refrigerate for up to 2-3 days before serving.

By preparing the cheese ball ahead of time, you save yourself some valuable time on the day of your event.

FAQs – Ham and Cheddar Cheese Ball Recipe for Your Next Party!

Q: Can I use leftover ham in this recipe?

Absolutely! Leftover ham works excellently in this recipe. Dice the ham into small pieces and use it as directed.

Q: How long can I refrigerate the cheese ball before serving?

You can refrigerate the ham and cheddar cheese ball for 2-3 days before serving. Just make sure to keep it tightly wrapped in plastic wrap to prevent it from drying out.

Q: Can I freeze the ham and cheddar cheese ball?

While it’s possible to freeze the cheese ball, it’s not recommended. Freezing can affect the texture and quality of the cheese ball, making it less creamy when thawed.

Q: What can I serve with the cheese ball?

You can serve the ham and cheddar cheese ball with an assortment of crackers, bread slices, pita chips, pretzels, or vegetable sticks. Choose your favorite dippers to accompany the cheese ball.

Q: Can I make the cheese ball in advance?

Yes, absolutely! You can make the ham and cheddar cheese ball in advance and refrigerate it for 2-3 days before serving. This makes it a convenient option for party planning.


This ham and cheddar cheese ball recipe is the ideal appetizer that takes gatherings to a new level. This cheese ball is creamy, flavorful, and perfect for a crowd. You can’t go wrong with this cheese ball when entertaining during the holidays, game night, or just having a laid-back evening. The deliciousness of the ham, cheese, and cream cheese spread will be uncontainable, vanishing quickly. You can try the BBQ Rib Recipe as a good dish.

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